No Family Should Suffer From Cervical Cancer Twice
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No Family Should Suffer From Cervical Cancer Twice – The Palliative Care Role in HPV

Authors: Sloka Iyengar, Kaley Kantor, Sunu Cyriac, Keerthi Remadevi, Vidhya Usha,
Sherin Robinson, Ashla Rani, M R Rajagopal, Ann Broderick

Journal: Journal of Pain and Symptom Management

Background: Cervical cancer, caused by human papillomavirus infection, is the source
of significant personal and societal burden, and robs more than one hundred thousand
Indian women and their families of the chances of a healthy and productive life each
year. As outlined by the World Health Organization, the three-pronged approach of
screening, vaccination, and reduction in mortality by early treatment presents the
possibility of the elimination of cervical cancer as a public health problem in the next
decade. Unfortunately, these approaches are all associated with significant barriers in
Access full article: PMID: 34256090 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2021.06.022