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US-based pediatric clinicians support the growing pediatric program at Pallium India

The Pediatric Subcommittee

 The Pediatric Subcommittee was formed to support Pallium India’s growing pediatric interdisciplinary team. The team includes physicians, nurses, social workers and psychologists and provides pediatric palliative care in outpatient, inpatient and home-based programs for children with life-limiting illness and their families. 



The subcommittee supports Pallium India’s work in multiple ways

  • Offering virtual continuing medical education sessions on pediatric palliative care topics for Pallium India staff
  • Being available to discuss complex pediatric cases as needed
  • Providing a sounding board on program development strategies

We welcome any passionate pediatric palliative interdisciplinary team members from the USA with an interest in virtual teaching, program development, and global health equity to join our subcommittee!  We are particularly seeking volunteers with expertise in social work, child life, and psychology.


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